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Via San Gottardo 6 - Villa Guardia (CO)      +39 031 481 495

Finished Fabric Inspection Department

Tisco  Finished Fabric Inspection Department

Finished Fabric Inspection Department

After passing the laboratory tests, the finished fabric is accurately checked at the inspection machines for the final verification of the item’s characteristic in relation to its intended use.

After the initial colour inspection and the assessment of the hand and appearance, the batch is inspected for the qualitative check of each single bolt.

The swatch, together with the sleeve for the verification of centre-to-selvedge and head-to-tail colour variation,  is retained and stored in the laboratory for a long period of time should the Client wish to compare it with the original sample.

At the end of the inspections and after the final checks have been carried out, the staff of the department finalizes and ascertains the quality of the fabric ready for delivery.

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